Let’s Ban Ice Cream

There’s a meme bouncing around the political blogosphere that says we need to demand the minimum wage be raised because Walmart. The rationale goes like this: The government provides various safety nets regarding health care and other basics, including programs...

Cultures Of Dependence

Just a few weeks before I was born, Lyndon Baines Johnson gave his first State of The Union address since becoming President upon the death of John F. Kennedy. The full text of the address is a fascinating read, especially within the context of LBJ’s...

The Founders Missed One

Buried within the hyperventilating about Indiana’s recently enacted religious freedom law – a law that says (per USA Today): the government cannot “substantially burden” a person’s ability to follow their religious beliefs, unless it can...

Natural Nonsense

A friend and former employee who has gone all-in on healthy living and all things natural has been sharing a variety of links and news stories with me of late – stories decrying GMO foods, Big Pharma, chemotherapy and Monsanto as the greatest evils of modern...

Climate Change As Religious Dogma

Earlier today, an internet friend of an internet friend posted this comment: So they have a truth which is unalterable, it’s beneath them to debate with outsiders, they have texts full of dire prophecies I mean predictions that never seem to come true. They sell...