The Lies Nannies Tell

David Harsanyi has a piece over at Reason that observes how the government often gets it wrong when putting forth health-related guidelines. Among others, the government got it wrong on cholesterol, saturated fat, salt, second-hand cigarette smoke, eating breakfast in...

All That Matters Is Winning

Thus goes the belief that a subset of Republican voters hold. They want the party to nominate and the voters to support the candidates who stand the best chance of beating their Democratic counterparts. They believe that majority control of Congress and control of the...

“Dominate. Intimidate. Control.”

Strong words, these are. They imply elements physical and psychological. As a guiding principle, they seem most apt for prisons or a totalitarian regimes. They were the motto posted at the TSA air marshal training center headquarters post 9/11. In-flight air marshals...

False Conflations

Have a conversation about immigration reform, and you’re very likely to end up talking about amnesty. Have a conversation about gay marriage, and you’re increasingly likely to stray into the story about the bakery forced to bake a “gay wedding”...

Accident of Birth

Name a professional athlete, one at the very top of his or her game. We all know the names: Mays, DiMaggio, Montana, Payton, Gretzky, Howe, Pele, Jordan, Russell, Nicklaus, Woods, Federer, Graf, Williams, Ali, Robinson. How about a seminal name in music, one whose...