Smokin’ That Crime

Smokin’ That Crime

I am a paramedic with over two decades working all over New York City. I worked in Harlem during the crack epidemic and have seen heroin trends come and go. Of all the public health officials who deal with drug abuse, we are the only ones who actually contact the...

Gun Policy Prescriptions

A recent conversation I had about guns and gun policy crossed the increasingly common argument that pro-gun people are simply saying that gun crime and mass shootings are a price they’re willing to pay in order to keep their guns. I’d call this a straw...

Judging Others’ Choices

An article over at The Federalist posited an interesting question about what society accepts and what it does not. Why Is Transgender An Identity But Anorexia A Disorder, is about where we draw the line between individual choice and mental illness, but it raises a...