by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 7, 2016 | Election, Opinion, Politics
So, America sent several pallets loaded with $400 million in various currencies over to Iran. Iran, the same day, released four American citizens. The money, we are told, is a settlement of a decades-old debt dispute between America and Iran, and that another $1.3...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 5, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Guns, Health, Politics
Here’s a little tidbit you may not know: In some jurisdictions, stun guns and tasers are more restricted than handguns. This bit of oddness (guns are clearly more lethal than tasers) is being challenged on Second Amendment grounds by people involved with the...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 31, 2016 | Guns
While the majority of the country has moved in a pro-gun-rights direction (41 states have Right-to-Carry/Shall-Issue laws or better, 11 of those have Constitutional Carry laws of some form), a handful of states have chosen to buck the tide and enact more restrictive...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 25, 2016 | Drug Policy
Ambrosia Soto, mayor of Pungarabato, a small town west of Mexico City, was murdered last Saturday, reportedly for refusing to pay a local drug gang protection money from the town’s budget. Domingo Lopez Gonzalez, mayor of San Juan Chamula, a town in the southern...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jul 25, 2016 | Culture, Politics
At the quaint level of public service where appearances of corruption to the public are considered, we find a great contrast with the steady news diet of stories of elite misbehavior. As you read, remember that not one financier has ever been deprived of a day’s...
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