Perfect Intent Or Imperfect Results?

A couple months back, actor/producer Mark Ruffalo, a champion of liberal and social justice politics, caught a mountain of grief for a social justice “transgression.” His crime? Casting a cisgender actor as a transgender character. One might understand if...

Steroid Crimes and Misdemeanors

As will increasingly be a question: the great baseball players whose careers coincided with the peak of the steroid era are being considered for admission into the Hall of Fame. Are they worthy? Like any debate on ethics, the answers are clear to child’s logic...

Gun Rights Lesson #488 – Mass Shootings

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “If carrying guns is such a good idea, why haven’t any mass shootings been stopped by gun carriers?” They have. That you may not have...

A Libertarian’s Appeal To Distraught Democrats

I feel your pain. You came to this with what you thought were the best intentions, but you didn’t get what you wanted (I never get what I want). Now, you’re talking about moving to Canada or Spain, or seceding from the Union to live in the world’s sixth largest...

Gun Rights Lesson #704 – Saving One Child

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “Children die from guns in households! If we can save one child’s life by banning guns, we should do it!” I find the “one...