Irony is Dead

Way, way back in 1987, Steve Martin starred with Daryl Hannah in a fun little movie called Roxanne. The story, based on the play Cyrano de Bergerac, is a romance between a smart, clever, and spirited small-town fire chief in the Pacific Northwest and a beautiful...

Normalizing Impeachment

Impeachment is in the air as the Democrats take up the House. They promise a “cannon of subpoenas.” The nation will soon grapple with the precedents of properly relieving a President of duty. The precedents are not encouraging, with regard to dressing up...

The Immigration Snooker

Talk to a present-day GOP die-hard about issues, and pay attention to the emotional level associated with each. Run the gamut of today’s big issues, and gauge the fervor behind each response. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that, in most cases, you’ll...

Fentanyl – Policy vs Evolution

The opioid Fentanyl has been increasingly dominating headlines these last few years, as the “opioid epidemic” grew to the point of capturing public attention, and by extension politicians and the press. Unlike heroin, which is made from opium poppies,...

Forgetting The Goal

The mountains of mockery heaped upon Elizabeth Warren for her tin-ear revelation of her DNA-tested proof that she does, indeed, have a few micrograms of Native American heritage have reopened, at least in some circles, discussion of affirmative action and diversity....