The Six-Figure Hobo

Most of us know that the American way of managing homelessness is ineffectual. What is less well known is how expensively ineffectual it is. What we spend on our way (calling it a “system” is laughable)) could provide for a system that works better, many...

Don’t You Dare Succeed

The effort to change the way New York City’s elite public high schools admit students provides us not only with a window into the progressive’s world view, but also with some insight as to the demands placed on our culture’s “oppressed”...

Take and Destroy

The scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail between King Arthur and the anarcho-syndicalist filth farmers ends with Arthur calling Dennis a “bloody peasant.” Dennis then declares: Oh, what a giveaway. Did you here that, did you here that, eh? A raft of...

Prohibition Kills

As I perused the most recent (April, 2019) issue of Reason, I came across a statistic that made my jaw (figuratively, of course) hit the floor: The annual rate drug of overdose deaths in Portugal is now 1 per 170,000 citizens. The figure is 33 times higher in the...