Uryens and Leondegrance

Uryens and Leondegrance

Or… Trump the Mundane. A deep-dive into the cobwebbed recesses of my pop culture recollection dug out this snippet from John Boorman’s magnificent 1981 film Excalibur, which quite succinctly encapsulates the Trumpian political landscape of today. I...

Explaining Trump to Brits

The question of how would I explain the Donald Trump Presidency to a British person appeared in my social media feed. As it happens, I actually did try to explain the Trump phenomenon, except in 2016. I was with my wife on a trip to Dublin. I was sitting on a bench in...

The TERFs Were Right

Four years ago, I lamented the coercive homogenization of how we think that was born of the morphing of “political correctness” into “propaganda compliance.” Part of that lament was the emergence of an internecine battle between feminists and...

Chasing Your Tail To Death

aka, The Polypharma Syndrome The latest phase of America’s opioid epidemic has killed more Americans than the Vietnam war. By all accounts it is spreading A new study looks at why: partly, and paradoxically, it’s because we have more access to the...