by Eugene Darden Nicholas | May 19, 2019 | Politics
Political anti-semitism is on the rise across the West’s Left. Britain’s Labor party seemingly embraces it, France’s is notoriously virulent and persistent, and now the pathogen is in the USA. Minnesota’s Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has made a...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 8, 2019 | Drug Policy, Economics, Education, Health, Opinion, Politics
… and I’m here to help. Ronald Reagan famously declared these the most terrifying words in the English language. His quip embodied his form of conservatism, and ably summarized the repeated (and, as most libertarians will tell you, inevitable) failures of...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Mar 23, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
From the day of the inauguration, talk of impeaching the President has featured in the national discourse. The theme is a dominant one with the new Democratic House of Representatives. The crawl of impeachment tidbits daily dissects CNN’s broadcast (for over two...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jan 6, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
Impeachment is in the air. The Democrats, as they prepare to take up the House, promise a “cannon of subpoenas.” I’ve discussed the impeachment possibilities in President Trump’s many imbroglios here. Today, let’s take a look at other...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 20, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
Conservative hawks were aghast at Trump’s sudden announcement that he’s ordering American troops out of Syria. Libertarians and others weary of America’s endless militarism, on the other hand, were gladdened, and some even cheered. While some...
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