False Morality

The other day, I had an extended… lets call it a “discussion…” with a couple socialized medicine advocates on the Internet. Yes, yes, silly me. Arguing on the Internet is like (per Google’s third suggestion) playing chess with a pigeon....

Staying Sane in the Trump Era

Back in the day, in this case the early 1980s, radio shock jock Howard Stern was driving scolds, prudes and nannies crazy with his antics on WNBC in New York. Stern’s success and the loyalty of his listeners, as the story goes, was parsed by radio executives as...

Catharsis, Ego, and Peril

Have you ever known someone who cheated or otherwise wrong his or her spouse or significant other, then felt that “coming clean” was the proper course of action and the way to fix things? Me too. The logic, I suppose, is that such honesty will demonstrate...

The Pit And The Pendulum

The 100th day of a new administration is always considered symbolic, a time for assessment and retrospection. Today, Trump’s 100th day, and by extension the 100th day of the current incarnation of one-party governance, it’s worth noting that, once again,...