A War on Success

The Left tell us, constantly, that they are the only ones who care about The Children. Their solutions to everything involve more government and more spending. For The Children. And, yet, we see proof every day that this assertion is a lie. Especially in public...

Faith In Our Institutions

The Trump impeachment tempest has been ebbing and flowing since the moment he won the election – before even his inauguration, it seems. While it dominates the news, it is but one of many other governmental tempests, including a medley of shenanigans surrounding...

Warren’s Health Care Delusion

Elizabeth Warren has many plans. Chief among them is her plan to nationalize one-seventh of America’s economy, by eliminating private health insurance in favor of what she calls “Medicare for All.” According to her, she’ll manage this by taxing...

Social Distortion

Last week I opined on the dysfunction of Higher Ed — or rather, one particular aspect of it, since Academia is broken in so many ways. I began by trying to impress upon my readers the utter passivity of the freshmen students in my Introduction to Music (a required...