Eternal Servitude

Those who delight in schadenfreude were in special glee the other day, with the latest example of the Left eating its own. It all started out with former Starbucks CEO sending the Democrats into a shark-chum frenzy over his announcement of a potential independent run...

Evangeline’s Loop

A disclaimer: To preserve confidentiality, this patient’s name has been changed, and “she” is a composite of several people,. The incidents affirmed here are otherwise factual as witnessed directly by the author. This article will be followed up at a...

Count To Ten

All around me, people are engaging in all sorts of post-hoc adjustments of their initial public reactions to the Covington High School incident. I’m going to engage in a tiny bit of smug here, because I neither had nor offered any knee-jerk response to the...

Strictly Business

As we close out the fourth week of the government shut-down, with negotiations seemingly non-existent and replaced by petty, tit-for-tat squabbles between Trump and Pelosi, it seems apt to contemplate the potential loss of a golden opportunity for the Democrats on the...