The Diversity Warriors

Take a look at any large organization in the USA and you are certain to find statements and programs dedicated to promoting “diversity.” Look at those programs and read those statements and you are likely to find that “diversity” refers to...

If AGW is Real, What Do We Do

The extreme cold snaps of January sparked much gnashing of teeth among the chattering classes regarding anthropgenic global warming (AGW) aka climate change aka humans are a scourge on the earth, with some skeptics asking how “warming” is consistent with...

Lawlessness and Legislative Gridlock

President Obama signaled in his SOTU address that his solution to the supposed obstructionism of the Republicans was to pursue his agenda unilaterally, invoking the (ever-increasing) power of the executive branch and the bureaucracy. The obvious part of that pursuit...

Heretics and Apostates

A column by Michelle Malkin reminded me of an old observation regarding the special hatred people of the Left hold for those who are expected to be liberals but are not. In her column, Ms. Malkin discussed several instances of people in the political sphere, people of...

The Equality Unicorn

An oft-stated goal of progressive politics is “equality.” Equality is a nice word and a noble-sounding goal, especially in a nation and a world where institutionalized inequality has been the norm for decades and centuries, and both our president and New...