The Perils of False Conflation

The first sentence of Chapter 1 of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” reads: Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them. It’s astounding to consider that, 238 years later, it remains...

Judicial Favoritism

A long-awaited appellate court decision came down today. The case, Halbig v Burwell, involved a challenge to ObamaCare’s subsidies for lower income enrollees. The law specifies that the subsidies be provided to those who enroll in exchanges established by the...

You Don’t Own That

The Left’s recent frothing anger over the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision has been great fun for those of us who bothered to figure out its actual contents, given how ignorant so many of the protests and protestors have been. Apart from the humor, the...

Capitalism – The Other White Meat

A recent book release by French Economist Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, has set the political blogosphere buzzing like an angry hornet’s nest. The book, which is a best seller but which is also trending to be amongst the least-read books...

Another Broken Promise

The press, left, right, center, fringe, nut bar, has been calling Obama to task for ordering and executing a swap of 5 Gitmo prisoners for Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl without notifying Congress 30 days in advance, as by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)....