The Quaint Appearance of Corruption

At the quaint level of public service where appearances of corruption to the public are considered, we find a great contrast with the steady news diet of stories of elite misbehavior. As you read, remember that not one financier has ever been deprived of a day’s...

Falsely Shouting Fire

Most of us understand that there are limits on the protection offered by the Constitution for speech, and most of us have heard of the shouting Fire! in a crowded theater exception. We rarely specify, but generally understand, that it is only when the announcement is...

And She Walks

This morning, FBI Director James Comey made a brief statement regarding the investigation into the Clinton email matter. The short version: no charges. The slightly longer version: Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the...

Rights and Boundaries

Democratic Senator Lindsey Graham recently opined, during a press conference urging further restrictions on gun rights, that: every right Ñ whether speech or buying a weapon or any other constitutional right Ñ has boundaries on it Graham’s assertion was made in...

Keep Your Politicians Closest

Thoughts on the Brexit This morning’s news that the Great Britain’s voters chose to leave the European Union, a decision that caught the money people of the world by surprise, sent markets tumbling, shocked politicians and prognosticators, and will have...