From Messiah to Footnote

The historic milestone election of Barack Obama eight years ago was not just about breaking the ultimate color barrier in America. It was the elevation of an almost messianic figure in the eyes of many. It was about starry-eyed “Hope and Change,” it was...

Nixon Didn’t Stain

Richard Nixon is synonymous with Presidential crookedness in the USA. But this is more indicative of the political culture of the day than of Nixon’s offenses. In retrospect, Nixon’s political dirty tricks seem quaint compared to what goes on now. And...

Dirty, Dirty, Dirty!

Corruption in politics is widely and correctly considered one of the great societal evils. Since politics is about gaining governmental power, and since governmental power is the epitome of irresistible force, the self-serving “buying” of that power is...

Killing Pride

I caught a recent interview between magician Penn Jillette and libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie (and broke my no-listening rule because I wanted to hear Penn’s thoughts on Trump, given his extensive first-hand contact with him). The interview ranges far and...
Wasted Vote Bullies

Wasted Vote Bullies

As sure as water is wet, a presidential election trots out the “wasted vote” bullies. Any time someone declares intent to vote for a minor party candidate, a demonic chorus of dyspeptic partisans chants a hymnal full of of hackneyed hosannas in response....