Peddling Misery

A sorta-provocative headline at the Washington Post, “It’s Time to Give Socialism A Try,” made me a bit cranky this morning. Having seen this sort of sentiment more times than I can count, I’ve developed a standard first response, along the...

Public Unions, Running Scared

Public unions appear to be in a cold sweat over this week’s Supreme Court case, Janus vs AFSCME, Council 31, a case that focuses on whether an employee can be forced to pay dues to a union. Current law in some states mandates that a non-union employee...

Where’s the Accountability?

The public debate – at least what passes for debate in 2018 – over the Parkland school shooting and what to do about it, continues to evolve. Responses (I won’t call them solutions, because most of them won’t make a hill-of-beans difference to...