Some Animals Are More Equal…

Amidst all the brouhaha, folderol, bewailing, and Tier 3+ spinning in regard to the Masterpiece Bake Shop Supreme Court ruling (my take on it is here), we find two words that provide total clarity into the deep rift that exists between today’s Left and the rest...

Thin Batter

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated ruling in the Masterpiece Cake Shop “gay wedding cake” matter. The Court found in favor of the baker, reversing both the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s ruling against the baker and the...

Taxing Health

A recent Wall Street Journal “Best of the Web” column included an amusing bit of snark: Paul R. Ehrlich, Call Your Office – World faces ‘staggering obesity challenge: study.” For those unaware, Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a book called The...

Presidential Turpitude

Browsing channels the other day, I landed on some police drama (Law and Order? Blue Bloods?) that focused on a “fight club” atmosphere in the world of high finance and hedge funds. The trope is a familiar and common one: the high-testosterone machismo...