Liberals and Gun Rights

Do you think Trump’s a fascist? Did you despise the Patriot Act? Do you distrust the police and other government law enforcement? Do you support Black Lives Matter? Do you side or sympathize with with Antifa? Do you believe The Handmaid’s Tale is a...

Anti-Social Media

The horror and tragedy of the massacre committed in Las Vegas by Stephen Paddock, a massacre that at this point stands without reason or explanation, is incomprehensible even to a society that has seen such a number of times in the past decade. So far, we have seen no...

Content-Based Liberty

The NFL “take a knee” controversy, once an annoying brush fire, has turned into a full-blown conflagration, with protestations, counter-protestations, expressions of “solidarity,” gestures, regrets in both directions, and calls for systematized...

Equal In Misery

Proving that there’s no idea so terrible that a politician cannot make it worse, today’s New York Post reports a nasty little nugget about BernieCare, Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to expand the government’s Medicare program to cover...

Zero-Sum Everything

A core premise of capitalism and free markets is that people voluntarily enter into exchanges and interactions with each other. Each does so because he believes there’s a benefit to be gained from that exchange or interaction. Thus, the benefit is mutual. It is...