by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Nov 13, 2017 | Culture, Politics
New York City has finally repealed its 91 year old, Jazz Age Cabaret law. The fight over the 23 skidoo goes on, vodeodo‘s specter infiltrates unchecked across the “isle of Manhatto” in its subtle wiles, but the Charleston is now free to come up from...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 9, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
In the wake of Bill DeBlasio’s wholly predictable re-election as the mayor of New York City (wholly predictable despite exploding ethics scandals, atrocious performance, and a “I don’t give a shit about NY City other than as a stepping stone for my...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 6, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
It is a difficult reality of modern political discourse that some seek to leverage high-visibility events to fit their on-going agendas. One particularly galling example of this is the effort to tu quoque those who condemn radical Islam by casting the Las Vegas...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 31, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Pay attention to the next person you encounter who advocates for socialism, in part or in whole. Or, who decries capitalism as unfair and unjust and declares that government intervention and central planning are “necessary” to correct wrongs and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 26, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
And Suppose You Were A Member of Congress; But I Repeat Myself Thus goes a famous Mark Twain aphorism. It held true when he said it, and it holds true today. The perpetual head-scratching and WTF utterances by our Commander in Chief (who is not and has never been a...
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