Uncle Joe and the Long Knives

There’s something interesting going on in the secret, woke-filled rooms where the Left’s agenda is crafted and propagated. Joe Biden, who many on the Left lament, with 20/20 hindsight, might-have-been-their-President, is now approaching persona-non-grata...

Selling A Free Lunch

It should astound me that, even as Venezuela’s socialist dream collapses into a humanitarian disaster, the front-runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination is a proudly declarative socialist, and the de facto policy voice of the party is a young socialist...

Mueller and the Narcissists

So, the long-expected Special Prosecutor investigation has finally concluded, and his report is in the hands of the Attorney General. I’m content to wait for the report, or a summary/Reader’s Digest version, to be released, but I appear to be in the...

Angels and Money

The great thinker Milton Friedman, in a seminal interview with Phil Donahue, exposed one of the great, under-addressed flaws in the premise of socialism and its other central-planning variants: the fact that the people in charge are no different than the people they...