A Nation of Chamberlains

A Nation of Chamberlains

I caught a chunklet of an Internet conversation the other day, wherein a couple obviously left-leaning (and intersectional) commenters offered a perfunctory dismissal of Thomas Sowell (and Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, because Black Non-Liberals are all the same,...
Language is Power

Language is Power

Language is information. Information is power. Therefore, language is power. My wife and I are working our way through Season 2 of Killing Eve these days, and a recent episode involved Villanelle (the main character who’s not named “Eve”) conversing,...
Collapsing Context

Collapsing Context

Fond as I am of coining fun or memorable phrases, and amused as I am by the social justice Left’s language gymnastics, I’ve developed a tendency to note the really good ones, of both the pithy and roll-your-eyes sort. Among my favorites of the pithy sort...
The Sell-Out Cop-Out

The Sell-Out Cop-Out

Political filmmaker Michael Moore’s new movie Planet of the Humans contains a refreshing bit of honesty: that wind and solar are not the enviro-panacea that greens, carbon-haters, climate catastrophists, and various other enviro-fetishists have long claimed....