The Hierarchy of Aggrievement

One evening, when you’re watching television, pay attention to the commercials you see. Pay special attention to the relationships depicted between the people in the commercials, and take note of the demographics of each character. You may notice a pattern. A...


Pay attention to the socio-cultural wars, and you’ll hear the word privilege a fair bit. Privilege used to be an innocuous word, used at times to denote honor and humility (“it’s my privilege to stand before you today”), to identify benefits...

Let’s Ban Ice Cream

There’s a meme bouncing around the political blogosphere that says we need to demand the minimum wage be raised because Walmart. The rationale goes like this: The government provides various safety nets regarding health care and other basics, including programs...

A Petition

I’d like to propose an effort to disseminate some critical, woefully under-reported information about a dangerous chemical substance that many of us consume daily. Given the power of petitions and the heed that combined voices are given by politicians,...

Free Speech, But…

The terrorist attack on the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has produced an outpouring of support for freedom of the press. A meme of the pen is mightier than the sword has gone viral, both at rallies all over France and in the press. Sadly and...