The Joy of Censorship

A neighbor of mine, a dyed-in-the-wool, active Democrat, mentioned during a recent discussion that people don’t understand that freedom of speech isn’t absolute. His is a valid observation on its face, but as always, context and particulars matter. He...

Homogenizing Thought

A recent interesting (and depressing) article over at Reason on the culture of victimhood mentions overstratification as a phenomenon of the modern PC culture. A writer over at The Daily Beast discusses sexual racism, the idea that having a sexual disinterest in...

Privilege Is A Dirty Word

A story popped up today during my Internet perambulations. It involved a teacher demonstrating the concept of privilege to a classroom. The teacher placed a trash pail at the front of a room of seated students, gave them each a piece of paper, had them crumple that...

The Obsolescence of Religious Freedom

About three years ago, Masterpiece Cakeshop, a bakery in Colorado, refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple on the grounds that it violated the owners’ religious beliefs. The couple, rather than find another baker to hire, decided to file a complaint...

Saturday Morning Perambulations

I was cleaning up some file folders on my lap top this morning, and came across a copy I had saved of a fantastic essay on Social Justice Warriors. As I gave it another read, I did some googling. After reading Wikipedia about some of the academic history it references...