Trump’s Bullies

Trump’s Bullies

The dust has settled, all challengers have conceded, and Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. The press has started turning its eye to the increasingly nasty contest between Hillary Clinton, the all-but-certain...

Appropriating Gangsters

Much is made today of “cultural appropriation,” the act of emulating styles, behaviors, language, cuisine, etc that are rooted in or traditionally associated with other cultures. It’s the latest battlefield of the social justice warriors, who went so...

Hide Your Burritos!

One of the newer catchphrases birthed in the fetid swamps of the social justice movement is “cultural appropriation,” wherein (presumably white) people dress, act, dance or otherwise behave in a manner that’s associated with another (presumably...

Excess and Judgmentalism

A recent article in The Atlantic led with the headline Too Many Elite American Men Are Obsessed With Work and Wealth, and followed with the sub-headline “And it’s making the pay gap worse.” The article opens with the reported wage gap between women...

Your Children Are Not Important

From a libertarian’s perspective, there are few failings of modern liberalism worse than its subordination of the individual to identity groups or to the collective as a whole. In this manner, modern liberalism flips on its head the tenets of classical...