Crusaders and Critics

Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger recently called political correctness moral condescension, a description that is as apt and appropriate as any I’ve ever heard. It even rivals George Will’s phrase synthetic outrage in pithiness and brevity....

More Hierarchical Clarity

A recent editorial at Investors Business Daily discusses the Left’s abandonment of respect for science with regard to GMO foods and crops. This is nothing new, but even in “old news,” we sometimes find new information. Of particular interest is the...

Judging Others’ Choices

An article over at The Federalist posited an interesting question about what society accepts and what it does not. Why Is Transgender An Identity But Anorexia A Disorder, is about where we draw the line between individual choice and mental illness, but it raises a...

Quivering Chihuahuas

Ever cross paths with a woman carrying around a small dog as a fashion accessory? Oftentimes, those little creatures can be seen quivering in fear from the overload of oversized surroundings, loud noises, hustle and bustle. I imagine that some students at the...

They Don’t Understand Why

Today’s New York Post offered an article blaring the headline American women are more obese than ever before, which noted that 40% of American women are overweight. I had to dig into the source material to find the historical data to discover what more obese...