What Does Equal Mean To You?

The word “equal” is a biggie in the American political landscape. Thomas Jefferson famously wrote “all men are created equal,” and explained his meaning by asserting that each of us has “certain unalienable Rights.” Unalienable is...

Forced Association

A recent study about modern, open-plan work and office spaces provides a lesson in unintended consequences and the limits of behavioral modification. The study found that “open plan offices actually make people talk less,” an outcome that is the direct...

Abandoning Common Sense

Political Correctness, we are told, is not the bogeyman that non-liberals often portray it to be. Rather, we are told, it’s merely civility, politeness, and respect for others writ large. Horse puckey. Political correctness, and its militant sibling, social...

Some Animals Are More Equal…

Amidst all the brouhaha, folderol, bewailing, and Tier 3+ spinning in regard to the Masterpiece Bake Shop Supreme Court ruling (my take on it is here), we find two words that provide total clarity into the deep rift that exists between today’s Left and the rest...

All Government Is Socialism

I came across an argument today, one oft-repeated by socialism’s apologists and people who want, against all reason and history, to continue advocating for that destructive and murderous ideology. It goes something like this: Police, the military, infrastructure...