The Wrong Indoctrination

*Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Losing Americana, and part of a series on the “real” greatness of America. A political friend recently shared the observation: Indoctrination is a necessary evil to keep societies from being torn apart....

Wrongthink Trumps Identity

Back in the early 90s, I worked with a young female engineer who was a hard-core feminist and heavily involved in NOW (the National Organization for Women). We got to be friends, and she gave me a lot of insight into the movement. At the time, the rule seemed to be...

When Does Identity Matter?

Scarlett Johansson, who by any reasonable measure has had a stellar movie career and will probably continue to do so for decades, recently got caught in the middle of a social justice imbroglio. The actress, who has since resigned from the role, was cast to play a...