Side-Stepping Equality

My recent post about Trump’s tweet aimed at the four freshmen congresswomen now dubbed ‘the squad’ began as a musing on the nature of equality and racism in our society today. As J.R.R. Tolkien commented, the “tale grew in the telling,”...

Do You Cilantro?

Some of my blog-spirations (if I dare elevate them to that level of sagacity) come from seemingly disconnected things that somehow connect themselves inside the labyrinths of my brain. One such occurred yesterday, where several disparate topics came into confluence. A...

Our Rat Culture

Or… The Rise of the Hall Monitors Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt did Joe Rogan’s podcast back in January, and a snippet from that airing was helpfully offered to me by Youtube this morning. The topic of that moment was the “when” of the...

Tolerating Cash

My Facebook feed recently offered me one of those “red meat” posts intended to stoke outrage and mockery. In this instance, it was purportedly (and I stress purportedly – too many people have no qualms about making stuff up, and too many more have no...