Cheap Activism

Cheap Activism

Among the many bits of news and information that recently crossed my feed were two that offered a stark contrast in, lets call it “prog-activism.” The first involved the staging of Mrs. Doubtfire in Seattle. Apparently, the Seattle Times, in an unsigned...

Woke, the Destroyer

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is the first of several that will appear under an Anonymous by-line. Today’s hyper-woke culture has dampened the ability to offer certain critiques without risk of unwarranted personal disparagement. The authors are known to the...
When Liberty Is Racist

When Liberty Is Racist

A cornerstone element of the principle of free speech is that speech that one disagrees with, or finds offensive, must be as protected as speech one likes. Many have echoed this premise, with various forms of: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the...

Why the Left Hates Trump

I’ve had occasion several times over the last three years to wonder why the Left, American and not just American, hates Donald Trump with a level of passion so intense that they’re perfectly willing to bring the United States to its knees to get rid of...

The TERFs Were Right

Four years ago, I lamented the coercive homogenization of how we think that was born of the morphing of “political correctness” into “propaganda compliance.” Part of that lament was the emergence of an internecine battle between feminists and...