First Do No Harm

A few years back, I was having a chat with my auto mechanic, an old family friend. He was lamenting the difficulty in finding good help (a common complaint and issue for anyone who employs people), noting that so many “experienced” mechanics are simply, as...

You Don’t Need Conspiracy Theories…

… to Distrust the Government I was talking with my brother as he was sitting in traffic on the Belt Parkway one sunny Saturday afternoon, when he chimed in with “chemtrails.” He was being sarcastic, of course, amusingly associating the condensation...

Trust Me

So Obama says, on the NSA and his “reforms.” So Obama says in his assurance that “no one is listening to your phone calls” despite their recording them all. So Obama says, on drone strikes, secret kill lists, and the authority he granted...

Beware of Hillary the Moderate

As Obama’s poll numbers continue to tank, as the disaster of ObamaCare becomes increasingly obvious and widely-known, and as the 2016 election season approaches, and as Obama himself continues to rule the nation via executive orders, finger-pointing,...