Gun Rights Lesson #168 – I Feel Unsafe

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “Your gun makes me feel unsafe! I have a right to feel safe!” If you are reading this essay, you are very likely familiar with the first...

Poisoning the Melting Pot

This past weekend brought us yet more reminders of the stark realities of radical Islam. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, eight people were stabbed by a Somali man who made references to Allah. In New York, a bomb exploded in a dumpster in Chelsea, injuring 29 people. Another...

Ignoring The Inconvenient

An American woman set a record at this year’s Olympic games. She became the first woman and the first summer Olympian to medal in six consecutive Olympics. Only one other athlete in the entire history of the Games has matched this feat (an Italian man who...

Liberals That Hate Liberty

Stories about people’s Trump signs and placards being stolen have become so common that only the ones with “bonus” features are bothering to register in the zeitgeist nowadays. One man electrified his signs after seven were stolen and after video...

Money and Politics

Most of us have some perceptions and beliefs that don’t match reality. One modern example is the actual percentage of the American population that is gay vs what people’s perception is. Gallup polls put the latter at around 1 in 4, when the reality is less...