False Morality

The other day, I had an extended… lets call it a “discussion…” with a couple socialized medicine advocates on the Internet. Yes, yes, silly me. Arguing on the Internet is like (per Google’s third suggestion) playing chess with a pigeon....

Gun Rights Lesson #109 – Guns Don’t Stop Crime

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. This article builds on Gun Rights Lesson #488, which discusses mass shootings and offers a list of incidents where an armed civilian successfully acted...

It’s Complicated

In a move that set the political world into a frenzy and the blogosphere on fire, Trump fired FBI director James Comey yesterday. Chaos ensued. Skyscrapers collapsed. Earthquakes swallowed Tokyo, San Francisco, Manila and Jakarta. Tidal waves wiped out low-lying...

Gun Rights Lesson #840 – The Mighty NRA

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “Were it not for the NRA’s incredible power over politicians, we’d have common sense gun control!” Saul Alinsky, leftist community...