Poles of the Pandemic

Poles of the Pandemic

The pandemic has gone on long enough to draw some broad historical lessons. The first is that America’s management was not fitting for the leader of the free world. Compared to our achievements in the Second World War, it is hard to escape the conclusion that we...
Pants On Fire

Pants On Fire

Let us contemplate, as the Biden administration rushes to cripple the American economy with brute-force carbon reduction measures as part of its “green”/global warming agenda, that nothing America does will make one whit’s worth of difference to...
How Cuomo Might Have Killed Me

How Cuomo Might Have Killed Me

As regular readers know, I have worked as a paramedic in New York City for over 25 years. Covid was the hardest challenge of my career, by far. It was the challenge of the century to our healthcare system (and our society). Controversy rages around Governor...
Killing Opportunity

Killing Opportunity

What does the Left have against the young? Despite all the ‘Science!,’ schools remain closed or are opening sl-o-o-o-wly because of massive resistance from teachers’ unions. A ‘lost year’ isn’t a particularly big deal to adults from...