Cultures Of Dependence

Just a few weeks before I was born, Lyndon Baines Johnson gave his first State of The Union address since becoming President upon the death of John F. Kennedy. The full text of the address is a fascinating read, especially within the context of LBJ’s...

Natural Nonsense

A friend and former employee who has gone all-in on healthy living and all things natural has been sharing a variety of links and news stories with me of late – stories decrying GMO foods, Big Pharma, chemotherapy and Monsanto as the greatest evils of modern...

Accidental Racism

Just in from an alternate universe that we might call the left wing of the left wing comes a declaration that the three-meal-a-day routine that is the norm of daily life is racist. This deep insight comes courtesy of Kiera Butler, a senior editor at Mother Jones. The...

Good is Bad?

I came across an interesting observation on a political page yesterday. The commenter asked why it seemed that the people most certain that the science of global warming was settled and irrefutable were oftentimes vocally anti-vaccine and anti-GMO. At first blush, it...