The Cure, Worse Than The Disease

Bernie Sanders demonstrated a… to call it shocking would imply that we have actual expectations of sense and logic out of him… bit of illogic (not to mention tone-deafness) in last night’s Democratic debates when he declared that: climate change is...

History? What History?

Later this month, leaders and solons from all over the world will converge in Paris for the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, dubbed COP21. Their objective will be to achieve a new global agreement on “climate,” which really means an agreement...

Pournelle’s Iron Law

Jerry Pournelle, a prolific science fiction writer, blessed us with a particular bit of wisdom that the dubbed the Iron Law of Bureaucracy. It states: In any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the...

Global Warming Damages

An Internet friend posted an amusing link this morning, broadcast with the scary headline Researcher: The US Owes the World $4 Trillion For Trashing the Climate. It’s a me, me, look at me! bit of self-puffery that latches onto one of the sillier aspects of...

The Lies Nannies Tell

David Harsanyi has a piece over at Reason that observes how the government often gets it wrong when putting forth health-related guidelines. Among others, the government got it wrong on cholesterol, saturated fat, salt, second-hand cigarette smoke, eating breakfast in...