More Hierarchical Clarity

A recent editorial at Investors Business Daily discusses the Left’s abandonment of respect for science with regard to GMO foods and crops. This is nothing new, but even in “old news,” we sometimes find new information. Of particular interest is the...

Too Much Information

Information, — for lack of a better word — is good. In case it’s not obvious, either ipso facto or from the hyperlink, I’m channeling Gordon Gekko’s speech on greed from the movie Wall Street. Information is right. Information works....

Judging Others’ Choices

An article over at The Federalist posited an interesting question about what society accepts and what it does not. Why Is Transgender An Identity But Anorexia A Disorder, is about where we draw the line between individual choice and mental illness, but it raises a...

Democrats and Democracy

Stress tends to bring people’s true colors out, a truism observed by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....

Controlling Language

Consider the word “liberal.” Nowadays, in America, calling one’s self a liberal conveys certain information with regard to political and social beliefs. Average folks in normal conversation will have a pretty consistent understanding of what the word...