Narcan At The Gate

Editor’s Note: This is the third in an on-going series of articles on the realities of the War on Drugs as seen by a New York City paramedic. Previous articles are here and here, and I highly recommend anyone who wants to understand the human toll this...
Global Warming and Original Sin

Global Warming and Original Sin

An Internet friend recently shared his take on a new climate study that is headlined Historical records miss a fifth of global warming. His interpretation, with which I concur, is: The basic premise is “our climate models are right – it’s the data...

The Quaint Appearance of Corruption

At the quaint level of public service where appearances of corruption to the public are considered, we find a great contrast with the steady news diet of stories of elite misbehavior. As you read, remember that not one financier has ever been deprived of a day’s...
Drowning In A Sea Of Certainty

Drowning In A Sea Of Certainty

A recent study reported on an interesting and “intuitively compelling” theory for the Earth’s history of ice ages and interglacial warm periods. The particulars of the study, which connect low CO2 levels to plant die-off that leads to increased...
Smokin’ That Crime

Smokin’ That Crime

I am a paramedic with over two decades working all over New York City. I worked in Harlem during the crack epidemic and have seen heroin trends come and go. Of all the public health officials who deal with drug abuse, we are the only ones who actually contact the...