When Hyperbole Backfires

The vast majority of political argument is casual, and as such is often loaded with tricks, logical fallacies, emotional ploys, and gamesmanship. Such don’t serve to prove one’s argument so much as to get the other side to yield, withdraw or go silent....

Population Dissonance

A common and long-running theme among statist big thinkers is that people are having too many babies and thereby overtaxing the planet. We first heard such negativity from Thomas Malthus nearly 250 years ago, but have yet to witness the famine and resource depletion...

Flagrant Fear and False Compassion

If you ask Democrats and liberals who are still in shock over the Trump victory about their feelings since November 8th, you’ll find many who cite fear as their biggest emotion. Fear for the future of the country. Fear of losing so many of the gains their side...

There’s No Heat in “Fire!”

Of all the freedom writers, it so happens that your author is probably the only one with two actual experiences of fires in movie theaters. The first was at Star Wars episode One. About halfway in, I went to the lobby, and found the popcorn machine’s butter...