Carrying Congress

Lets set the WABAC machine for just about a decade back, and contemplate some of the words that then-candidate Barack Obama offered up in his pursuit of the Presidency: I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest...

Viet Nam, And Beyond, In Theory

An exploration of America’s involvement in foreign wars, examined through the light provided by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s brilliant documentary “The Vietnam War,” finishing its run on PBS, is timely and should inform the debate on the Global...

Riots, and Who They Concern

Riot, public insurrections, activism: the definitions are as debatably charged as the modern hyper-prisms people look at politics through in this day and age, so henceforth, I’m referring to these things as “events.” Before we parse event factors or merits...

Content-Based Liberty

The NFL “take a knee” controversy, once an annoying brush fire, has turned into a full-blown conflagration, with protestations, counter-protestations, expressions of “solidarity,” gestures, regrets in both directions, and calls for systematized...