No-Go Zones

The title phrase, drawn from an article on how transgender activists managed to spike some research they didn’t like, is a sharp and worrisome reference to certain areas of academic inquiry, where ideologues have succeeded in shutting down any opinion that...

Forgetting The Goal

The mountains of mockery heaped upon Elizabeth Warren for her tin-ear revelation of her DNA-tested proof that she does, indeed, have a few micrograms of Native American heritage have reopened, at least in some circles, discussion of affirmative action and diversity....

Pocahontas Warren And The Diversity Game

Senator Elizabeth Warren, obviously laying groundwork for a Presidential run, released DNA test results that support her long-standing assertion that she has some Native American in her lineage. Warren has been under considerable pressure to do so, especially from...

When Lawyers Define Sex Roles

In history, have more brains ever been more racked over anything less knowable than in analyzing the recollections of the teens Ford and Kavanaugh from back in 1982? (The Dreyfus Affair, maybe). Have more media ever before been spilled over less content? Now that the...