You Pay, Either Way

Daniel Pantaleo, the New York City police officer responsible for the death of Eric Garner in an infamous police brutality episode, has finally been fired. It took five years. He applied a fatal choke hold in violation of policy. It happened in broad daylight, it was...

Bottomless Lust For Infinite Power

Watching the current and recent machinations of the Democratic Party, I conclude the title of this essay. With an addendum: By any means necessary. The latest (pathetic) attempt at taking down Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, an allegation of sexual misconduct...

Displacing Humanity

Yesterday, on the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the New York Times posted and deleted an odd tweet: 18 years have passed since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center. Today families will once again gather and grieve at the site where more...