The Sell-Out Cop-Out

The Sell-Out Cop-Out

Political filmmaker Michael Moore’s new movie Planet of the Humans contains a refreshing bit of honesty: that wind and solar are not the enviro-panacea that greens, carbon-haters, climate catastrophists, and various other enviro-fetishists have long claimed....
COVID Calculus

COVID Calculus

Thomas Mann, writer, philanthropist, social critic, and Nobel Laureate, told us, nearly a century ago, that “everything is politics.” COVID-19 and the response to it are no exception. I have little doubt that every action taken in response to the pandemic...
The Humanistic Ethic

The Humanistic Ethic

Freeman Dyson, physicist, polymath, and intellect of such a towering magnitude that “genius” feels somehow inadequate, recently passed away at the age of 96. Obituary writers in the usual places chose, predictably and disappointingly, to highlight one...
An Unwasted Crisis

An Unwasted Crisis

The Coronavirus crisis has proven to be a generational event that has gripped the world. Drastic measures are being taken by governments, markets are roiled, and our individual lives have been significantly impacted. We are still in the early stages, with...