The Case For Gay Marriage

One of the hot-button issue of the day is, of course, the debate regarding legal recognition of gay marriage. Apart from the well-known disagreement between Left and Right, the issue is one of several wedges that divides libertarians from many conservatives and...

The Purity Straw Man

Libertarianism is often dismissed, by both the Left and the Right, as a playground for idealists who are detached from reality and a philosophy whose ideas look great on paper but would never work in the real world. Questions lobbed at libertarians often take the form...

Heretics and Apostates

A column by Michelle Malkin reminded me of an old observation regarding the special hatred people of the Left hold for those who are expected to be liberals but are not. In her column, Ms. Malkin discussed several instances of people in the political sphere, people of...

Without A Net

Talk to a statist about his beliefs, and you will often hear the words “safety net” mentioned. Well, not so much mentioned as boldly, even aggressively declared, stated as a challenge, as an affirmation and declaration that theirs is the side of right,...