Easy Targets

In a recent column, conservative writer Jonah Goldberg discussed how NBC’s coverage of the Sochi Olympics completely ignored the horrors of the Soviet Union in its retrospectives and color commentary. Words and phrases included “history’s pivotal...

The Diversity Warriors

Take a look at any large organization in the USA and you are certain to find statements and programs dedicated to promoting “diversity.” Look at those programs and read those statements and you are likely to find that “diversity” refers to...

Lawlessness and Legislative Gridlock

President Obama signaled in his SOTU address that his solution to the supposed obstructionism of the Republicans was to pursue his agenda unilaterally, invoking the (ever-increasing) power of the executive branch and the bureaucracy. The obvious part of that pursuit...

Who’s Really Anti-Science

A common accusation lobbed about by liberals is that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is anti-science. It’s often heard in global warming discussions, and it often involves the conflation of disagreement with the alarmist side of the theory with belief...

Beware of Hillary the Moderate

As Obama’s poll numbers continue to tank, as the disaster of ObamaCare becomes increasingly obvious and widely-known, and as the 2016 election season approaches, and as Obama himself continues to rule the nation via executive orders, finger-pointing,...