Scorched Earth

A recent NY Times report discussed the “diaspora” of people from blue states to red states. The Times seems to welcome this movement, since, at least according to its analysis, those relocaters are keeping their blue-state voting habits and thus are...

It’s Never Been Tried Before

Any libertarian who has spent enough time playing in the sandbox that is political argument, whether vocal, written or on the Internet, has had to deal with a box full of pat arguments, challenges, refutations and dismissals of libertarian philosophy. One of these is...

A Better Cheater

Much is being made of House Speaker John Boehner’s stated intent to sue President Obama over his purportedly excessive use of, lets call it discretion, in implementing the laws that Congress has passed and he has signed. The President is mandated by the...


Most of us have heard of NIMBY, i.e. Not In My Back Yard Turns out, NIMBY is quaint and antiquated. The new guiding principle for busybodies is BANANA, i.e. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. In other words, it’s not enough for people to decry...

Simply Enforce the Law

I recently came across a rebuttal to the (my and others’) oft-stated opinion that the nation’s immigration laws and system are dysfunctional and broken. The rebuttal was, in short, “the laws are fine, they just need to be enforced.” Sounds...