Ugly Nativism and Crass Tribalism

… Or, the sordid one-two punch behind Trump’s popularity Donald Trump burst onto the GOP presidential primary scene with an in-your-face, plain-talking and purportedly anti-establishment/outsider message. He immediately surged into first place, holding a...

President Uncle Joe?

Of all the scandals that have dogged Hillary Clinton, the personal email server she used as Secretary of State has shown the longest legs, and may turn out to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont, is...

Evil Corp

If I were to describe my work status nowadays, it would most succinctly be dubbed “semi-retired.” I have work that I must do, but it only occupies a couple hours a day and a couple days a week. I have work that I choose to do, that advances my business...

All That Matters Is Winning

Thus goes the belief that a subset of Republican voters hold. They want the party to nominate and the voters to support the candidates who stand the best chance of beating their Democratic counterparts. They believe that majority control of Congress and control of the...

Trump This

Donald Trump, he of the endlessly mockable combover and ad-nauseum-repeated tag line “You’re Fired!,” has confounded pundits left and right (and spawned numerous conspiracy theories) by leading the pack of GOP presidential candidates in the polls....