Is A Seismic Realignment In The Works?

A story that popped up in my news feed this morning provides a good take on the underpinnings of the current Republican fracture and ably assesses the possibility of a fundamental breakdown of the Republican party into distinct subgroups. In particular, it notes that...

They Dont See The Irony

The press continue to wring their collectiv(ist) hands over the popularity and ascendance of Donald Trump. Some question how they could have been so wrong in their prognostications that he’d have faded by now. Others either wonder at or openly deride the...

Oppressors and Scapegoats

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake (R) has been a long-time advocate for lifting the travel ban and embargo on Cuba, and in a recent interview makes the case that the last half century of US policy towards that little pocket of communism in the Caribbean has stood in the way...

Victims of Our Own Success

Watch the news on any given night, or pay attention to the political realm for any stretch of time, and you’re likely to conclude that Western civilization is descending into barbarity. The rancor that people show, the ire they feel, the outrage they claim, the...

The Rise of American Fascism

The most common descriptor in American politics is the Left-Right axis. Democrats and liberals are considered to be on and embody the Left, and Republicans and conservatives are considered to be on and embody the Right. The axis is woefully inadequate for the task...