Raw Deals and Higher Standards

The media, left and right, would have you believe that this presidential race is a battle for least-worst between the Democratic and Republican candidates. While, barring a SMOD-like event, it is true that one of those two will be America’s next President, the...

Excuses and Conspiracies

The attached graphic popped up in one of my political pages today. It posits a suggestion I’ve seen repeatedly – that Trump’s campaign has been, all along, a grand conspiracy to ensure Clinton gets elected President. And, in some versions, to destroy...

Nixon Didn’t Stain

Richard Nixon is synonymous with Presidential crookedness in the USA. But this is more indicative of the political culture of the day than of Nixon’s offenses. In retrospect, Nixon’s political dirty tricks seem quaint compared to what goes on now. And...

The Downward Spiral

Many conservatives, increasingly accepting of the probability that Donald Trump is going to lose on Election day, are asking the question “how do we move past this debacle of an election season? How do we restore conservative principles to the Republican...

Playing The World’s Smallest Violin

In the wake of grumblings from the Far-Left about how President-apparent Hillary Clinton better not stray from the positions she co-opted from Bernie Sanders comes this article “warning” NYTimes readers that a Clinton presidency comes with its own perils....