Suppose You Were An Idiot…

And Suppose You Were A Member of Congress; But I Repeat Myself Thus goes a famous Mark Twain aphorism. It held true when he said it, and it holds true today. The perpetual head-scratching and WTF utterances by our Commander in Chief (who is not and has never been a...

Peak Irony

Ever think that something is so crazy that it can never actually happen? Or, that when it does happen, it can never be topped? I used to, but the news proved me wrong so many times I stopped making such presumptions. Today’s bit of OFFS: A University of...

Carrying Congress

Lets set the WABAC machine for just about a decade back, and contemplate some of the words that then-candidate Barack Obama offered up in his pursuit of the Presidency: I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest...

Trump, From The Gut

A recent Internet perambulation brought to me an interesting assertion (can’t find it now, so I paraphrase and declare it’s not my own): Trump managed to turn the football-kneeling matter from a vague social protest into an overtly partisan issue. By...

What Laws Would You Pass?

The mass shooting in Las Vegas continues its hold on front pages and social media platforms, and the killer’s motives remain stubbornly unknown and mysterious. Since nature abhors a vacuum, and since this atrocity is tailor-made for the “do...